Friday, October 23, 2009

Wedding Paper Divas

So me and Kristy came across another card website that we liked for our project as inspiration. The site is Wedding Paper Divas. What I like most about the site is that on their home page they have an area that highlights their products. Basically they're just pictures, but the images changes every few seconds so that the consumer gets an idea of all the different layouts and designs they have. I like this because a lot of people will look at the overall look of the site and think they know what kind of cards this company designs. This way they can see all the different styles without making assumptions.

I also like the color scheme they use. It's not in your face, but it's not dull either. It's warm and inviting. Also, they have an area to narrow your search, which is something we want to do for our site. It only appears once you have chosen an area in which to look (i.e. wedding invitations). It's not on the home page, which it wouldn't make if it were on the home page. So that's good.

One other thing I like what they did with their site was using 'breadcrumbs'. It's a really good idea to use these in such a complicated site so the consumer doesn't get lost and decide to leave the site altogether. Losing a customer is never good.

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